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Leo Soulis |
That's right urchins and orphans spread the news: Caddy Maddawack is back in town and she's bringing the shack! Monster hunters, magical menagerists, nobles of questionable taste, and even Jerry who runs the ratboy circus down by the Pauper's Wharf are all welcome here at the traveling crab shack!
What's that you say? What's so special about Caddy Maddawack and her Combinatin' Crab Shack? Well you see, Caddy Maddawack operates one of the only remaining crab pot combinators! Using her patented blend of herbs and spices she can combine magical components harvested from the fresh-dead corpses of arcane beasts, ghouls, goblins, gremlins, you name it! And best of all, your first combinatin' is free![1]
How's it work? I'm glad you asked, filthy urchin!
- Murdered Monsters have a 1 in 6 chance of having their components ruined.
- Increase this by 1 for any egregious damage done[2]
- Captured monsters butchered by Professionals in town always harvest component
- If using item slots, 3 components to a slot
- For each HD the monster has it yields 1 component. [3]
- For each component:
- 1-2: low quality 3-5: decent quality 6: high quality
- Creating an item requires a high quality component
- low quality is 1/2 of a decent quality component, decent is 1/2 of a high quality component
- There are three item tiers
- Items start at tier 1 with a +1 to hit/damage for weapons and leather AC
- Upgrade to tier 2 costs two high quality components, tier three costs three
- Each tier for weapons increases to hit/damage by 1
- Armor tiers increase from leather to chainmail and finally plate
- Pick one of the two patented crafting methods:
- Craft!
- Weapon
- Armor
- Upgrade!
- Weapon/Item/Armor (Must have been crafted at Caddy's)
- Add in any of Caddy's special bonus mixes (See below for pricing)
- Huck it all in the Crab Pot Combinator and stand back! (PAYMENT UPFRONT [1])
Combinatin' Table (d12)
2 Tragedy! Ingredients wasted and item gets two corruptions!
3-5 Failure! Ingredients wasted and item gets corrupted if upgrading!
6-8 Residue! Successful craft, but the item gets corrupted from residue in the pot!
9-10 Successful craft! Gain a bonus!
11 Twist! Gain two bonuses!
12 Super Craft! Roll on the Super Craft table
Corruptions (d6) [8]
No one ever said combinatin' was easy! Sometimes things turn wrong in the pot. [4]
- Item degrades a tier when involved in a critical failure
- Greedy! The item must be sated by the user's blood before use. 1d4 hp for each use
- Cursed! Item can never leave its owner and degrades a random stat by 1 while equipped
- Coin Operated! 1 in 4 chance on each use of the item it requires 25gp to be pressed into a coin slot before functioning properly again. Acts as a normal item until it gets paid
- Hated! This thing rubs some people the wrong way! When a reaction or morale roll is called for, decrease the result by 1
- Merciless! With this item equipped, you can never show mercy to your enemies.
Bonuses (d6) [8]
- Item works just as well underwater as above
- Item grants a +1 to a random stat when worn
- Item grants a +1 to a chosen stat when worn
- Item glows in the presence of a chosen component's source monster, gains +1 to hit said monster/increases AC by +1 for attacks from said monster
- Lovely! When a reaction or morale roll is called for, increase the result by 1
- Item grants +1 damage/resists 1 damage against a chosen component's source monster
Super Craft (d10) [8]
Lucky lucky! This item has all the right juices to become something special.
- Weapon
- Choose a bonus from the bonus list!
- Choose two bonuses from the bonus list!
- Vorpal: Enemies slain with this item cannot be resurrected
- Lucky! Can reroll a critical failure 1/session.
- Weapon gains the properties of an ability from a random component monster, i.e. poison damage, vampirism, fire, acid, etc.
- Fetch! Item can be stored in a pocket dimension and recalled by its owner at any time with a verbal command.
- Limit Break! Once per day, weapon can deal maximum damage on a successful strike.
- Devastating! Weapon degrades armor of targets that are struck.
- Spellweaver! Weapon gets a random spell enchanted to it, usable tier times per day and can be triggered on successful hits. Reroll spells that don't make sense.
- Yang. When paired with armor that has Yin, double tier bonuses for the weapon and increase armor AC to plate +1.
- Armor
- Choose a bonus from the bonus list!
- Choose two bonuses from the bonus list!
- Lucky! Can reroll a critical failure 1/session.
- Fetch! Item can be stored in a pocket dimension and recalled by its owner at any time with a verbal command.
- Armor gains resistance (1/2 damage) to a damage type of a random component monster
- Silent! Armor does not impede stealth checks.
- Spellweaver! Armor gets a random spell enchanted to it, usable tier times per day and can be triggered when taking damage. Reroll spells that don't make sense.
- Stalwart! While conscious, you cannot be moved against your will when wearing this armor.
- Revenant! Armor retains unconscious/dead users' intentions- granting 1d6 actions even after unconsciousness/death.
- Yin: When paired with a weapon that has Yang, double tier bonuses for the weapon and increase armor AC to plate +1.
What's that? Don't like the odds? Well don't worry- Caddy has brewed up a whole mess of special elixirs and tinctures to add into the mix for a nominal fee that can change the odds- in your favor! [5][6][7]
- Corruption Cleanser/500 gp/Removes one corruption per use! (purchasable after combinatin')
- Toadwart Tonic/50 gp/Choose a corruption when rolling on the corruption list
- Calamity's Bane/50 gp/Reroll 1's on the combinatin' table
- Pickled Princehart/100gp/Choose a bonus when rolling on the bonus list
- Harper's Pearls/100gp/Allows rerolling on the corruptions list
- Torpal Bleach/100gp/On results of Residue! you do not gain a corruption
- Lanternswill/100gp/When you would gain a corruption, gain a bonus instead- but when you would gain a bonus, gain a corruption
- Buyer's Remorse/250gp/Allows rerolling on the combinatin' table, the rerolled result must be taken
- Angel Tears/1000gp/Allows rerolling on the combinatin' table, the rerolled result may be discarded
- Maiden's Lament/1500gp/Reroll results of 1-4 on the combinatin' table
- Hyper Instinct Infusion/2500gp/Reroll results of 1-7 on the combinatin' table
- Control's Kiss/5000gp/Select from any results on all combinatin' tables and subtables/Only 1 dose available every year
Workin' at the Crab Shack
Oh, you're here for work? Caddy does have some things that need doing. Help her out and she'll help you out with the combinatin'.
- The Crab Shack has a rash and needs a special herb from the lowest level of the nearest cool dungeon to cure it. Yes, it has to be a cool dungeon- Crab Shack can tell.
- A merchant hauling carrying fragile equipment for the Crab Pot was supposed to be here a few weeks ago, she didn't take a detour through the haunted forest- did she?
- Word on the street is some goons have got their hands on a knock off Crab Pot and are giving the combinatin' business a bad name. Go put them out of work, will ya?
- Some noble's son is making trouble with something he made at Caddy's and now the law is looking to come down on us. Can you set that kid or the law straight?
- Hear that? That's a Whistler- no doubt about it. Those things can mess up the aetheric currents that make combinatin' work. Incorporeal dead like Whistlers are usually in somewhere proper spooky, if he doesn't quiet down soon we'll have to move on.
- Caddy has gone missing! I think it was that wizard who came here the other day badgering her about her secret blends! Rescue her before they get the formula!
Boons from Caddy:
- Half off on specials!
- Combinations are free!
- One free special from 1-8 free per combinatin'!
- Caddy can upgrade a decent component to a high quality one once per day!
- One free bottle of Control's Kiss!
- One free Corruption Cleanser per day!
So what are you waiting for? Spread the word! Come, get combinatin' down at the wonderful Caddy Maddawack's Combinatin' Crab Shack today!
No refunds.
[1] First combinatin' is free per person. Offer considers parties and poly units as a single person. Offer is invalid for resurrected or reincarnated persons or non-person entities. Subsequent combinatin' costs one decent quality component paid upfront.
[2] Egregious includes but is not limited to: explosions, acid, high temperature fires, disintegaration (partial or complete), consumption, disease, pressure-induced damage, balefire, exposure to the void between stars, molten rock or metal related injuries
[3] Usable in conjunction with your favorite monster menu systems
[4] Caddy is not responsible for any corruptions or damages that may result as a consequence of use of corrupted items
[5] Specials MUST be purchased BEFORE any crafting attempts, NO EXCEPTIONS OR NEGOTIATIONS ALLOWED. Specials that do not apply during that crafting session are still consumed in the combinatin' process
[6] Specials may not actually change the odds in your favor- choose wisely[7]
[7] When using more than one special when combinatin', on a specials used in 6 chance the specials fail to work together and become ineffective. Rolls above 5 on the combinatin table are rerolled.
[8] Results are stackable
[9] Entries in brackets are subject to random implementation, interpretation, and withdrawal at the whims of capricious local reality-dictating entities, sometimes at random. Your results may vary.
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