Sunday, August 11, 2024

Hall of the Five Moons & Bars Aplenty

The previously mentioned Hall of the Five Moons dungeon is complete and available for download on Itch! I'll chat about it a bit more in the near future. 


Bars Aplenty, meanwhile, is a colossal 66 page supplement for Barkeep on the Borderlands- one of my favorite modules to come out in the last few years. After catching that there was a barkeep jam going on I set to feverish work and put together 21 new bars to pubcrawl through as well as a variety of miscellaneous other rules and optional additions. 



This was a lot of editing and writing for a week and I'm looking forward to a break- but I'll go into some more detail about these two productions in some posts in the near future. For now, I slumber. 

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