Wednesday, June 12, 2024


Constellation notes are provided out of italics and brackets.

Starfall comments are noted in [] 

[Decentralized radial storage servers like C-Net uses are a bitch to use without a good link, here's hoping the CNE guys can get us some database time one of these days.]

File recovered from Gamma Complex

Filename: yard_cam_3_01142011.mkv

[01142011 is a six hour and twenty three minute video recovered from a Tim Horton's security camera in Mattawa Ontario. At 0623L/1023Z on the 14th of January 2011, just about the end of the clip, the snow covered treeline in the back lot is hit by a shock wave that flips the camera 20 degrees up, revealing a roughly 900 foot high plume of snow and smoke erupting outwards from over the distant hillside. A dark shape is visible moving at the base of the cloud, estimated at 95 feet tall, before a second shock wave of indeterminate cause obscures the hillside and knocks the camera out.]

Date: 14 January 2011

Immanence Event filed under number 319, video shows TERMINAL VAGRANT's emergence. Only video recovered from the site.

BG-Radiation Pattern: N/A 

Hoenkoff Factor: N/A

Cascade: No

Notes: TERMINAL VAGRANT ceased movement after conventional kinetic intervention by local military forces. TV-1 through TV-27 were recovered within four hours and stabilized to postpone Indolence Decay. Samples TV-1 through TV-27 revealed rapidly deteriorating cell structure from initial partial immanence was flash-stabilized by a second- probably self-initiated- immanence. Full decorporealization estimated to have occurred within the first 48 hours, 5.3% longer than previous record holder of 247.

[TERMINAL VAGRANT as its called here was the first demon to break into the news with some good footage. Most of it at the time was some shakey cam from some Montreal tourists and some declassified drone footage. Moniker would list it as a BC3: Bipedal C Class Risk Level 3.
Back then this was the first of its kind that made it on to the net and TV. Damn thing was fast and tearing up the highway making its way down to Montreal by the time they got the big guns hammering it. Of course, this was when those sort of things still worked. We used to think this guy was the biggest one yet. Turns out we were wrong.] 

Recovered from Calcutta Site

Filename: 345786a.mkv

[Twenty minute clip of the inside of a gunmetal gray laboratory. Two unidentified males in labcoats are darting between monitors and flipping switches. The back wall is a floor to ceiling window showing a murky blue environment. Fifteen minutes in lights start turning on and reveal beyond the panel to be underwater, a roughly 6 foot sphere with cables and pipes running down it is some 300 yards from the window. Monitors show life signs that match about what you'd expect for a human male, mid-40s. 19 minutes in the camera shakes and the laboratory is thrown into disarray, an enormous crack runs down the exterior window. The sphere is gone, surrounded? enormous tendrils of scintillating blue and white wrap around it like a nesting snake. It begins flashing in different colors and moving as the two males start yelling into a wall mounted microphone. At 19 minutes and 30 seconds the life signs go flat. Just before the end of the clip the snake-thing disappears. The metal sphere appears crushed.]

Date: 25 November 2008

Immanence Event filed under number 258, video shows an unnamed entity's emergence. See Calcutta folder for further videos, experiment logs were not able to be recovered.

No Samples Recovered. 

BG-Radiation Pattern: Purple

Hoenkoff Factor: N/A

Cascade: No

Notes: See Dr. Subramanian's interrogations on C-Net for more details. 

[Unknown entity is right, we had no idea anything this large was out there this early on. Pre-Onslaught by close to 4 years and it looks to easily be a Moniker AC3 or AC4. From our raid on the Calcutta Site we garnered it was in use way before Constellation used it, video here supports that it was likely a Cabal site. Dr. Subramanian was listed as a POI by some pre-Starfall orgs sometime in 2075 but it's uncertain when he was last active.]

Recovered from [EXPUNGED]

Filename: shanghai_3.mp4

[Well known video here, shot from a subway platform in western Shanghai. At 1111L/0311Z a blinding light slowly rises above the city, somewhere near Jing'an Temple, and stops at 985 feet. The light expands outwards and the sun is blotted out, replaced by the orb in the sky, casting languorous shadows that move on their own. Carnage in the city where the light touches.
Video cuts here to three days in the future, 1434L/0834Z. Something streaks in from the sky and there's a few frames of a blooming explosion in the sky before the video cuts.

Date: 4 August 2011

Immanence Event filed under number 582, perfect immanence of RADIANT DAWN. Second clip shows inciting event for evolution into RADIANT DEVOURER and the establishment of the Shanghai Exclusionary Zone.

BG-Radiation Pattern: Orange

Hoenkoff Factor: Advanced

Cascade: N/A

Notes: First public application of nuclear weapons as a means of decorporealization (see immanence event 199) led to the loss of Shanghai. Records indicate a Shanghai site may still be intact but is probably at the heart of the Zone. RADIANT DEVOURER was last active in 2101, see Orange-Regent for more details. See artifacts RD-1 through 9 for detailed material analysis.

[Even we know it by the name RADIANT DEVOURER, the old Constellation terms are hard to shake especially when they fit so well. Demons and fusion/fission just makes them meaner. Hard to say accurately but it took DAWN at a OD3 and bumped it up to the BS1 we all know and love.]

Recovered from Constellation, Academy 18

Filename: BG14.mkv

[Marker indicates this is from one of their drones, footage opens at 2340L/0340Z from the inside of one of the dorms. The drone opens the door to one of the rooms and reveals a bunk bed with two young males. The bottom bunk one slumps out of bed and walks over to a wall, which was empty before but now shows a featureless, black door. The door opens and a pale goldenrod light emits from inside as the boy walks in. Drone attempts to enter the doorway before the footage jumps three hours ahead, facing an empty wall.]

Date: 16 June 2121

Subject: H-26

BG-Radiation Pattern: Goldenrod

BG-Timing: 33 seconds

First iteration of pre-MAGIC deviance observed among the H-Generation, almost 30% faster than the F-Generation. Emissions indicate successful seeding and a positive linkage, continue to monitor for additional deviances. Post-event analysis continuing to show zero contamination amongst H-Generation. Subject was not recovered.

[Not sure how to interpret this one. Passing it over to COVEN for their analysis.]